
Basic Step Footwork

The waltz follows a 3-count beat, or 3/4 meter, with all of the steps equally spaced rhythmically. Consult the diagram below for more details about the basic step, most commonly called the "box step." Two things to note that give the waltz an elegant look:

1) As the box step is executed the sideward steps follow a gliding motion, depicted by the right angled arrows in the diagram. So, the leader glides the 2nd foot (R) forward near the first foot (without putting it down) before moving it to the side shoulder width apart. Correspondingly, the follower glides the 2nd foot (L) backward near the first foot before moving it to the side shoulder width apart. (And so on for the 2nd half of the box).

2) In addition to the gliding motion, the waltz is also characterized by a subltle up-down motion. Beat 1 is considered a down movement and beats 2 and 3 an up movement. This is carried out by the dancers bending the knees on beat 1 and raising up slightly with more weight on the balls of the feet on beats 2 and 3.


The woman's part (above), as with all steps, begins leading with the right foot. Trace each step through the diagram beginning with a backward step. Notice the steps are a mirror image of the man's part:

1) Back R
2) Side L
) Close R

4) Forw L
6) Side R
) Close L


The man's part (above), as with all steps, begins leading with the left foot. Trace each step through the diagram beginning with a forward step. Notice the steps are a mirror image of the woman's part:

1) Forw L
2) Side R
3) Close L

5) Back R
6) Side L
7) Close R

Social dance


© Steven A. Henkel, 4/20

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