Scatter Square Dance Moves:

Ideas for Lines and Big Circles


The following moves for scatter square dance are listed and described in the first two columns, respectively. The third column lists the most likely formation(s) used to initiate any given move (i.e. the arrangement of dancers prior to the designated move). To view a video clip of a move select that highlighted name in the first column.

Formations Used
Everyone lines up behind designated leaders in horse and jockey fashion (6-10 people per group). Leaders then wind through the room with respective lines following.
Horse & jockey
Front person turns around and weaves in and out of the line. (Spread lines out front-to-back slightly) Each person follows, then hits the lonesome trail.
Horse & jockey promenade
Couples promenade behind designated lead couples (5-8 couples per group).
Partners promenading
Lead couple turns around, joins inside hands, and raises them over the remaining line. The rest of the couples follow, then hit the lonesome trail.
Wagon train
Lead couple forms an arch. The other couples go through the arch in turn, making another arch on the other side. When all couples are in a tunnel formation, the first couple goes through the tunnel with the others following. At the other end couples hit the lonesome trail.
Wagon train
Big Circles
Formations Used
Join hands in large circle or oval and circle left or right as indicated.
Any formation
Walk to the middle and back with hands joined.
Large circle
Leader (often the teacher) enters the circle, then drops hands with person on the left. Leader circles left (clockwise) inside circle forming a spiral. When spiral is complete, leader doubles back opposite direction with part of spiral still moving original direction. When clock is unwound, group returns to one large circle moving counterclockwise.
Large circle
Give left hand to corner and walk around each other back to place.
Large circle
Give right hand to your partner and pull them by, give left hand to the next person and pull them by, etc. alternating right and left hands until you meet your partner or until the next call.
Large circle
Facing counterclockwise around the circle with partner by side,
join right hands over the top of joined left hands and walk around the circle.
Any formation with known partners
Partners promenade counterclockwise around big circle. Inside partner turns and walks clockwise while the outside partner continues walking counterclockwise until partners meet again or until the next call.
Partners promenading
Partners promenade counterclockwise around big circle. Outside partner turns and walks clockwise while the inside partner continues walking counterclockwise until partners meet again or until the next call.
Partners promenading

