The Master said, Those who first advanced in li and music were men of the wilds. Those who later advanced in li and music were junzis. If there were a chance to put them to use, I would follow those who advanced first.
The Master said, None of those with me in Chen and Cai had any access to men at court.
For virtuous conduct: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, and Zhonggong; for speech: Zai Wo and Zigong; for governance: Ran Yŏu and Ji Lu; for patterned study: Ziyou and Zixia.
The Master said, Hui is of no help to me. There is nothing in my words that fails to please him.
The Master said, How filial is Min Ziqian! No fault of his can be discerned in anything his parents or brothers say about him.
Nan Rong constantly repeated a refrain from the poem White Jade Scepter. Confucius married his older brother's daughter to him.
Ji Kangzi asked who among the disciples loved learning. Confucius replied, "There was Yan Hui who loved learning. Unfortunately, his lifespan was short and he died. Now there are none."
Yan Yuan died. Yan Lu asked for the Master's cart in order to use the wood for an outer coffin. The Master said, "Able or not, each man speaks well of his son. When my son Li died, there was an inner coffin, but no outer one. I would not go upon foot in order that he have an outer coffin. Because I follow behind the grandees, it is not fitting that I go upon foot."
Yan Yuan died. The Master said, "Oh! Tian destroys me! Tian destroys me!"
Yan Yuan died. The Master wailed for him beyond proper bounds. His followers said, "You have wailed beyond the proper bounds, Master."
The Master said, "Have I? If I do not wail beyond proper bounds for this man, then for whom?"