Chapter 3

Most of what you will write is to a voluntary audience

What does that imply?

What is the competition doing? And, are they doing it better?
Newsom - the most important part of PR writing is "write so people will understand what you mean"

unpack this!

No magic formula but there are basics - message, recipients, medium
1. Message
what is it you want to say?

amazing how many times writers never ask this question!

If you don't know, the audience won't
If the writing gets complex/convoluted, you probably don't understand the message
2. Recipients
Know your audience
What terminology will the understand/not understand?

jargon, buzz words etc.

What do they believe? Value?

(your message will also reach unintended recipients!)

Cultural considerations
3. Medium
Which medium is best/most appropriate?

Affects how you frame the message

ex. print - logical, video - emotional

Building on the basics
Write clearly, write in an engaging style, simplify
1. Write clearly
A panda walks in to the room and eats shoots and leaves

What did the panda do?

Read what you wrote (and read it aloud)
2. Write in an engaging style
Is it readable/listenable (building off writing clearly)
Sentence length

(America's declining literacy and patience)

Eliminate excessive words
Eliminate "big" words (unless necessary)

Can check this in Word

Write lively
Active vs. passive
Present tense vs. past tense
Naturalness - write like you talk...
Ear vs. Eye
Variety - be careful about repetition (in words and in ideas)
Bias - be aware of loaded words (remember culture?)
Checklist on p. 44
3. Simplify
Know your subject

ex. what if you work for a health insurance company and have to explain benefits to someone?

Developing position papers

Getting consensus within/without the organization on how to explain something

ex. what is a tax cut?

Use plain English
be aware of abbreviations
and doublespeak (p. 51)
be aware of obfuscation (a big word!)
be aware of deception (ex. phone plans)
be aware of trendy language
how much is too much? Can you explain something on one shot or do you need a series?



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