4 What is social media?

social networking sites

ex. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn


video and image sharing sites

ex. Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram

chat rooms and message boards/social bookmarking sites

ex. Reddit

review sites

ex. Yelp


mobile apps



Social media provides the way people share ideas, content, thoughts, and relationships online. Social media differs from so-called mainstream media in that anyone can create, comment on, and add to social media content. Social media can take the form of text, audio, video, images, and communities.
social media - the tools
social media marketing - how we use the tools

ex. telling stories

ex. responding quickly - monitoring + and -

when is social media marketing not appropriate?

Star Wars Instagram example


5 Blogs

(and you don't have to call it a blog!)
a way to push ideas into the marketplace
a way to generate feedback (+ and -)
a "website" created and maintained by a person who is passionate about a subject

ex. Disney fans Disney blogs

Successful blogs

many social media tools are for the short term, blogs are long term
control over content or independent?
social network sites come and go

ex. anyone here on MySpace? Vine? Facebook?!

easy to create
credibility is key
1. getting a sense of what people think of you (and your competition)

a way to manage reputation

a need to get to know who's important in the blog world

2. responding to + or - content


ex. videogaming bloggers

3. developing relationships
inviting bloggers to spend time at/with your organization



6 Audio and Video



video skills are one of the top skills social media marketing positions require

(and it's not just technical skills, it's storytelling)

building emotion, loyalty, connection

stories of how people use our product (and how it's impacted them)

can be organization created or solicited from the public

video blogging - more than a one shot
ex. Will it blend?
if you made blenders, how might you respond?

(it's okay to have fun!)



podcasting (audio blogging)

ex. After Class



7 Going viral

1996 Dancing Baby

what examples can you come up with?

it's not just videos, ex. memes

sometimes going viral can be +, sometimes -

ex. iHob

ex. Nike and Colin Kaepernick


how can your organization take advantage of something that goes viral?


buzz, getting people talking



A concept: World Wide Rave

creating something valuable that people want to share and making it easy for them to do so

Rules of the Rave
1. nobody cares about your product (except you!)

the why behind why something goes viral

2. no coercion required

people WANT to share


3. lose control

tough to do!



4. put down roots

if you want to spread you need to be involved in the online communities where people share

5. create triggers that encourage people to share

something that is unique, funny, outrageous; it must stand out

ex. Pawn Stars - what will bring people into the store?

6. point the world to your (virtual) doorstop

connect to your online presence




8 The Content-Rich Website



the organizational foundation

social media tools/marketing typically want the customer to go to the website

what makes for a good website?






exercise - find examples of websites good or bad
Websites - often the place buyers go first
a key - help visitors find what they need

consider - what is the buyer looking for?

ex. does the website focus on what I need?

How can the website help?

Site navigation - structure around the buyers need, not the organizations needs

Develop a site personality - what is the first impression (and does it match the organizational personality?)

Photos are often key (but too many makes the page load slowly)

Interactive tools

Easy to find contact info (and actually be easy to contact!)

Keep site current

Include social media share buttons

(make it "pass-along-able")

Create ways to continue the relationship after the sale




important questions

is it platform friendly?

especially with mobile apps

is it ADA compliant?

social media marketers rarely have control over the website!
9 Marketing and PR in real time
how ready is your organization to respond to something happening NOW?

ex. Sharknado

are you seeing this?



is there a difference to capitalizing on something positive and having to do damage control on something negative?

one approach


letting people in on the process

ex. movies

as the film is being shot

releasing behind the scenes clips

leaking plot rumors

sharing casting news

ex. a non-profit

show disaster aid being packaged, delivered




shout-outs for achievements
making charitable contributions to meet an immediate need
creating advertising based on real-time events

ex. Disney and the SuperBowl MVP

connecting to the content of shows

ex. a character is facing a dilemma

does your organization have the solution?

ex. Olympics











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