Gathering Information: Records and Meetings

1. Is there a "right to know" what the government is doing?
An informed electorate needs to know about some things
Should it know everything?



How far does public access to information go?
No explicit Constitutional guidelines
(Congress - Article 1, Section 5, paragraph 3)



At the time of the drafting of the Constitution, newsgathering was not a function of the media



The Courts have been reluctant to find this right in the Constitution



2. Is there a right to gather news or attend meetings?
Note that in the first question, it is the public, every citizen, that has a stake in the answer. In the second, it is typically the media that has a stake.
Courts have been reluctant to find any special rights for the media that aren't enjoyed by the public.



(Implications for undercover reporting - the media can't claim a special exemption from laws such as trespassing, breaking and entering, wiretapping etc. when gathering news)



Since the Constitution doesn't provide much clarity with regard to a right to know, legislatures have attempted to provide clarity.




A. Open Records
Freedom of Information Act (1966)
federal law
Designed to open records and files to public inspection
Applies to federal government agencies
(not to Congress, the President, the Courts, or state/local governments)
In 1996, the FOIA was amended to include electronic info



What is a record?
creation and possession can be key determinants
so can whether or not the record is part of an agency's official duties



The Nine exemptions  
1. national security  
2. housekeeping practices  
3. statutory exemption  
4. trade secrets  
5. working papers/discovery  
6. personal privacy  
7. law enforcement  
8. financial records  
9. geological data  



FOIA procedures
Anyone can file a FOIA request
see SPLC or RCFP

sample letter


Upon receiving a request, the agency:
may delete info from documents (with explanation)
may deny a request (one of the nine exemptions)
must process requests within 20 working days

can charge reasonable fees for searching and copying


If denied, the information seeker can appeal to the court



State FOIA laws
vary greatly by state  
Minnesota Data Practices Act (13.01 - 13.99)  
Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists link
Minnesota (RCFP link)



B. Open meetings

Government in the Sunshine Act (1976)

(US Code - Title 5 Section 552b)

Opens up some of the decision making of federal agencies, boards, commissions to the public
Deals with meetings
1. Discussing or acting on any item that is properly the business of the agency
2. Need a quorum present
3. Must give prior written notice to the public
4. Must give written explanation if meeting is closed
(exemptions similar to FOIA)
must make an edited version of minutes available



State Sunshine Laws
vary by state
Minnesota (link)
state statutes typically give reporters and the public access to most state and local records and to meetings of deliberative bodies
ex. state agencies, city councils, school boards etc.

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