Chapter 3

A. Hate speech/fighting words
face to face v. mediums

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942)


"fighting words doctrine"

quote by Justice Murphy


"inflict injury" or "incite an immediate breech of the peace"
"any benefit is outweighed by the social interest in order and morality"
key - the harm is not insult or offense but a breach of the peace (fighting, rioting)
must be face to face and to whom the remark is addressed

Can a community limit certain types of speech?

(ex. hate speech directed against "race, color, creed, religion or gender")

content based speech (punishing certain forms of speech and not others)
Speech codes on campuses - lots of attempts, most abandoned or unenforced



B. Schools and the First Amendment
"in loco parentis" - in the place of parents

Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969)


the right of educators to silence a student's personal expression that happens to occur on school property



students may express opinions (under the FA) if they do so "without materially and substantially interfering with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school and without colliding with the rights of others."



"students do not shed their rights at the schoolhouse gate"



"Straight Pride" case
The Morse case - Bong Hits 4 Jesus



Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (1988)
the right of educators to censor school sponsored publications



Public schools
1) school sponsored - as part of a class?
2) student controlled - extracurricular, unsupervised, but on campus
3) student controlled - extracurricular, unsupervised, and off campus



What about colleges?
Public or private?
Student Press Law Center



D. Time, place and manner restrictions
non-content based prior restraint
1. Content neutral - applies the same to all communication content
2. not a complete ban - are there other ways to communicate?
3. substantial interest to justify the rule - evidence, not supposition
4. narrowly tailored - not overbroad or restricting speech more than is necessary



E. Forum analysis
1. traditional public forums - parks, street corners etc.
2. designated public forums - meeting halls, community centers etc.
3. Public property that is not a public forum - prisons, airports?
4. Private property



time, place and manner case

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