Chapter Eleven

Media as Values Suppliers

pervasiveness and portability of media

declining importance of other values suppliers

(socializing agents)


what values do media promote?

they cannot not promote values

explicit and implicit

social/religious/cultural/political/economic etc.


can the media create/influence values?


1. industry role



social responsibility


2. goverment role


mandates (ex. kids educational programming)

bans (TV and cigarette ads)

regulations (obscenity, indecency, profanity)


Christian media

how well do Christians supply values through music, books, TV, film, Internet?


Should Christian media be evaluated in the same way as secular or non-Christian media?

Or, should it be evaluated by a higher or different standard?

If so, what is/are the standard(s)?

How does this show, movie, music, game, or piece of online culture interact with God’s story?
Does this piece of pop culture provide evidence of our need for the good news?
Does it echo the gospel in some fashion?
Does it contradict our understanding of the world in a way that deserves a loving response?
One example of a Christian values critique

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