

1677 Robert Hooks (British)

transmitted sounds mechanically via wire

1820 Charles Wheatstone (British)

sent musical tones through metal and glass rods

1831 Michael Faraday (British)

found vibrations of iron could be converted into electrical impulses


A communication need:

British and Germans work on "electrical telegraphy"





1837 first working system

William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone

a key implication - the link between communication and transportation

ex. War of 1812



1825 Samuel Morse (a starving artist!)

wife's death

1830s trip to Europe
1840 Morse gets a patent (2)

improvements - recording ability and Morse Code

How finance? (3)

went to the federal government


1844 test line from Washington DC to Baltimore



first message - "What hath God wrought"

from Numbers 23:23

the King of Moab had hired Balaam to curse Israel
God told Balaam to bless Israel instead.
Balaam says "according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, what hath God wrought." (KJV)
(see what God has done) (NIV)

today, the idea of cursing and blessing still applies in a media context!
Morse offers the telegraph to the federal government
the answer? (4) (5)

by 1851, approximately 50 companies were involved in telegraphy in the United States

1856 Western Union formed

William Orton

1861 first East-West line

Omaha to Sacramento

role - informing
philosophy - commercial enterprise, common carrier

by mid 1860s, only Western Union and Morse left (6)

January 27th, 2006 Western Union delivered its last telegram
late 1840s - wire services form (Associated Press)
1850 - first underwater cable (English Channel)
1858 - first transatlantic cable (US and England)
1865 - International Telegraph Union forms (ITU)
East to West
urban to rural
upper class to middle and lower class
country to country

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