Media Effects and Research Methodologies

Three main levels of effects

1. Cognitive

how does the media influence thinking?

ex. agenda setting

the media is very good at telling us what to think about, but not what to think about what we think about!

2. Affective

how quick, how long and with what intensity can the media affect attitude change?

ex. speed, short/long term, reinforce/convert


3. Behavioral

what behaviors does media model and, are they positive or negative?

pro-social or anti-social

Research Methodologies
1. Historical

investigates past/current media content in order to make comparisons

then to now, why have things changed (if they have changed?)



2. Survey

to get at quantitative and qualitative information about the audience

who, what, when, where, how, why


3. Experimental

controlled environments to isolate variables

ex. our Terminator experiment


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