A Brief Outline of the Media History Portion

Media History - The 1800s

  1. The Dominance of Print
    1. Books
    2. Newspapers
    3. Magazines
  1. The Development of Distance Communications
    1. Telegraph
    2. Telephone
    3. Wireless
  1. The Rise of Mechanized Entertainment
    1. Recorded Music
    2. Film

Media History - The 1900s

  1. The Dominance of Mechanized/Electronic Entertainment
    1. Wireless as Broadcasting
    2. Radio (AM & FM)
    3. Television
    4. Cable television
    5. Digital television
    6. Film
    7. Recorded Music
  1. The Explosion of Distance Communications
    1. Telephone
    2. Internet
  1. The Decline of Print
    1. Books
    2. Newspapers
    3. Magazines
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