Wiki Collaboration

We will collaboratively create a wiki that explores the relationship between the Bible and communication technology. Students are expected to contribute at least once per week. Contributions may be in terms of adding or editing material. I will get things started by giving you material to get the thinking process going (and I will be bringing in material throughout the semester). You should not limit yourself by class material. Dig deep and wide to explore the relationship.


1. Consistent contributions - contributing every week. (and plan ahead, only one person can be in the Wiki at a time, this is an incentive not to wait until the last minute to try to catch up!)

2. Substantial contributions - each student should ultimately contribute about a "page" worth of work (text, not including images).

3. Relevant contributions - contributing information/editing that speaks to the wiki topic and/or aids in the presentation of that information.


The wiki collaboration assesses course objectives 3, 4, 6 and K-tag objective 2.

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