Student Teaching Outcomes

Students successfully completing student teaching will be prepared to begin their careers as teachers:

1. . . .Who are reflective practitioners pursuing continued personal learning and professional renewal As a reflective practitioner, the teacher...

1.1 engages in ongoing reassessment of personal role as an educator;

1.2 reflects on professional practice and the underlying assumptions;

1.3 cultivates a broad perspective about education in its societal context;

1.4 models the value of continued personal learning and professional development.

2. . . .Who are knowledgeable and competent in subject matter As a knowledgeable and competent professional, the teacher...

2.1 demonstrates appropriate content skills and knowledge;

2.2 thinks critically and reflectively about current educational research, theory, and practice specific to subject matter.

3. . . .Who understand how students learn and develop, and who facilitate learning through effective teaching As a facilitator of learning, the knowledgeable and effective teacher...

3.1 creates and maintains a positive learning environment within the classroom;

3.2 adapts, designs, and evaluates developmentally appropriate curriculum which is sensitive to multicultural, gender, and ability issues;

3.3 designs appropriate learning outcomes;

3.4 makes teaching decisions based on assessment of student learning;

3.5 uses a variety of teaching strategies to accommodate diverse backgrounds, interests, and needs;

3.6 actively involves students in their learning;

3.7 uses resourcefulness and creativity in meeting the needs of students.

4. . . . Who establish collaborative relationships with students, staff, parents, and community members of varying personality, racial/ethnic background, family characteristics, socioeconomic status, and ability As a collaborator, the teacher...

4.1 relates positively with students having varying needs, abilities, and learning styles, including children with special needs;

4.2 contributes in a positive manner to the school climate;

4.3 serves as a resource and referral agent to students, parents, other professionals, and outside agencies;

4.4 deals sensitively with families from diverse backgrounds who have varying beliefs;

4.5 works positively with school personnel.

5. . . .Whose Christian world view provides a strong moral framework characterized by integrity and compassion From this strong moral framework, the teacher...

5.1 provides dedicated service to others;

5.2 demonstrates ethical decision making;

5.3 treats others with fairness and respect.