Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain:

Answers to matching exercises

Levels of the cognitive domain are scrambled to match the corresponding outcomes for each example below.

Example 1

Determine which golfer has the best golf swing mechanically. (6) Evaluation
Name the club used to approach the green from 40 feet. (1) Knowledge
Use a sand wedge at appropriate times in round. (3) Application
Explain why is it important to stand with feet shoulder width apart when putting. (2) Comprehension
Determine the approach shot tendencies of a pro golfer in the Masters tournament. (4) Analysis
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using various grips. (5) Synthesis

Example 2

Observe a high school match and explain the relationship between blocking percentage and outcome of the match. (4) Analysis
Indicate the reasons for bringing a setter up from the back row. (2) Comprehension
Describe the effectiveness of Team X in blocking during the game. (6) Evaluation
Discuss the principles used to determine ways to arrange players for receiving serve. (5) Synthesis
List three cues for performing a good forearm pass. (1) Knowledge

Implement a 4-2 offense in a game.

(3) Application


Learning domains